What is Garlic B2B?

Garlic B2B is a business to business consulting and marketing agency, that is, specialized in advising and providing services to companies that sell to other companies or professionals.

Garlic B2B is born from an axiom:

When someone buys for your company, they don’t do it the same as when they buy personally.

… with a consequence

There are many differences between B2B and B2C, which recommends having specialists capable of understanding the greatest difficulty of the business among professionals.


Our value

Adding value to our clients is our only mission, and we achieve this through three equations:

Focus = Knowledge

Focus = Knowledge

Our B2B specialization makes our experience always focus on the same decision profiles: CFOs, purchasing, HR, CEOs, freelancers, farmers, liberal professionals, hospital managers, etc.

If your business is B2B, it will be difficult for us not to have experience in projects aimed at your same target audience.

Data and Technology

Data and Technology

Data is our raw material to generate useful information that becomes intelligence, and this forces us to know all the available technology to get the most out of it.

So much so, that we have become specialists in techniques such as webmining through scratching, to take full advantage of the great information that is on the network, and thus be able to create or enrich your potential databases.

Research + Creativity

Research + Creativity

We do not understand marketing without research. Because it is the way to control the intrinsic risk to the development of different and innovative ideas, which is the shortest way to success.



Discover our strategy and activation services



ABM Programs
B2B events
Content Marketing

Generation of potential datebases
Activation: lead generation actions
ABM programs
B2B events

Leads generation

International Events and Fairs;
Study: design of commercial material and packaging;
Research: Expert meetings;
Internal Marketing: development of internal awareness campaigns.

Road2Market: project feasibility studies.
Research: Pre-test of products, identification of insights;
Activation: definition of Nurturing Program;
Vertical and loyalty strategies;
Vertical and loyalty strategies;
BBDD: Enrichment of BBDD of prospects through webmining.

Research: Annual observatory;
Partnership: definition and management of tactical agreements.
Service Development
B2B events

Vertical strategies;
Loyalty strategies;
CX: definition of Customer Journey;
Partnership: definition and management of tactical and strategic agreements;
Research: Pre-test of new projects, identification of insights;
Content Marketing:
B2B Events.

Content Marketing:
B2B events;
BDR Commercial campaigns

Other projects


B2B Committee

At the beginning of 2020, together with the Spanish Marketing Association (MKT) and LaFede, we launched the B2B Marketing Committee. The intention is that it becomes the meeting place for professionals, advertisers and marketing service companies interested in our discipline. Seminars, market studies, workshops, networking meetings, etc. they will be part of the activities of this new meeting space.

Here you can keep informed of its news:

Less B2B

Good gastronomy is neutral, it is neither B2B nor B2C, but we love it. So every year we design a menu with a restaurant that we like, and this becomes our Christmas gift for our customers. And there are already a few….
